
Welcome to Apple Tech Talk.

As everyone knows, the Internet has countless web sites that review technology products, software and provides tips and tricks for all sorts of technology items.  So why do we need another one?

The answer is simple.  Many of the reviews focus on the Windows environment and often make only a passing reference to its compatibility with the Apple environment.  Products like hard drives, printers and scanners are usually able to be used with your Apple products but review sites rarely take the time to check them out.  Apple Tech Talk is ready to change that.

We’re not a rumors site, and you won’t find us reporting on the lines that form outside Apple stores, days before a new product launch.

Our goal is to provide in depth, but easy to understand reviews of products and services that are not only made specifically for Apple products but are also compatible with Apple products. Whether its hardware or software, desktop or mobile, we’re here to “kick the tires” and see what it can do.

We’ve also heard people say, “I just moved from Windows to a Mac and I can’t figure out how to do…”  We can help with that too.  Whether you’re new to Apple products or a seasoned expert, we’ll provide tips and tricks to try and help you get your work done.

Most important, we want this site to be a valuable resource to you. So, if there is something you would like to see or you have a question, jump over to the Contact page and drop us a note. We would love to hear from you, because we’re all about Apple Tech Talk.

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