The Full Image Solution for Mac From ACD Systems

On November 10, 2021, ACD Systems released ACDSee Photo Studio Mac 8, a powerful and full-featured Digital Asset Management (DAM) tool.

With this new release, ACD Systems Photo Studio for Mac 8 becomes a universal app that runs natively on Macs with an Apple Silicon chip, such as the M1, for widespread performance gains. Added to this powerful upgrade, user-friendly GUI improvements make for easier navigation and a customizable Indexer allows Mac 8 to efficiently organize assets while the computer is idle.


In concert with these magnificent improvements, ACDSee Mac 8 comes loaded with a full spectrum of new color-related tools, such as Color LUTs, Color Wheels, Tone Wheels, Dehaze, Skin tune, and the addition of Contrast to the Color EQ. New color and contrast features offer precise targeting of Saturation, Hue, Brightness, and Contrast, Highlights, Midtones, and Shadows, and Contrast and Contrast Balance, all in easy-to-use, responsive tools.

With this release, not only do you get unrivalled DAM from one of the pioneering companies in the market, but you also get ACDsee Mobile Sync, a quick portal for uploading images with on-the-fly edits.

Why choose ACDSee Photo Studio Mac 8?

  • The go-to Mac product for all your photography needs.
  • New performance enhancements for faster workflow.
  • A bevy of new color-related tools for more precise editing and selection.
  • Photo Studio for Mac 8 is a Universal app that runs natively on Macs with an Apple Silicon chip, such as the M1, for widespread performance gains.
  • New Indexer for efficiently organizing assets while your computer is idle, keeping the ACDSee database up-to-date automatically.
  • New Dehaze and Skin Tune tools to clarify your quality work.
  • Addition of Filmstrip view for previewing multiple images in a filmstrip along with a full-size view of single photos. 
  • Better zoom control with the new Navigator window.
  • Support for the new macOS 12 Monterey “Live Text” feature.
  • Perfect your images with a suite of non-destructive tools.

“Mac 8 is a powerful game changer for ACDSee that allows us to play in new and exciting spaces. Feel free to let your imagination run wild with this high-performance app.”Frank Lin, CTO & COO

ACDSee Photo Studio Mac 8, the full image solution for Mac users, is available for just USD$99.99 or you can download a free trial today from the ACDSee website.

ACD Systems is one of the largest independent digital image editing and management companies in the world. Founded in 1993, ACD Systems revolutionized the relationship between analog and digital information. The company’s products include ACDSee Ultimate, ACDSee Professional, ACDSee Home, ACDSee Photo Editor, ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac, and ACDSee Luxea Video Editor. ACD Systems’ customers include General Motors, Caterpillar, Boeing, NASA, CNN, and other leading organizations.

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