JUUK Ligero Band for Apple Watch

We have reviewed several replacement bands for the Apple Watch (read our reviews here), to cover daily, active and dress wear.  Today we’re looking at the JUUK Ligero Band for Apple Watch, a premium band that you can wear, for work, play or a night on the town.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

Top quality materialNone
Easily adjustable for a perfect fit.

About JUUK – From Their Web Site

Inspired by the jukebox, where songs are changed frequently, based on mood or preference, JUUK (pronounced “juke”), offers quality, choice and value.  Our goal is to make Apple’s “most personal device ever” even more of a pleasure to wear!

JUUK is wholly owned by Eugene Ho, a Canadian with over 21 years’ experience in product development in the watch industry. His current watch company, Pacific Watchworks (http://pacificwatchworks.com) has been helping other brands develop and produce their own watch lines for over 9 years now.

JUUK Ligero Band for Apple Watch – Unboxing

Our JUUK Ligero was silver, intended for a 38mm Series 2 Apple Watch.  The band arrived nicely boxed and in a form folder to prevent damage during transit.  Also, in the box was a microfiber cloth, a band adjustment tool, some extra pins for the links and a warranty card.

JUUK Ligero Unboxing

We have viewed several metal link Apple Watch bands but our first impression of the JUUK Ligero Band was a clear indication that this one was different.

First, this is one of the lightest metal link bands we have seen.  That is due to the links being made from 6000 grade aluminum, which provides extreme durability with minimal weight.  The links themselves have a bevel on each edge which gives a unique design and look to your Apple Watch.

The brushed finish of the band is a nice compliment to the Apple Watch case and the color match was as close to perfect as we have seen.

JUUK Ligero Band - Silver

The clasp on the bottom of the band was also different.  It is made from 316L stainless steel, rather than stamped steel plates and while most of the metal bands we have seen have a single clasp, the JUUK Ligero has a double clasp (what some refer to as a butterfly clasp).  While some may find it takes a little practice to master the closure process, once you have done it a couple of times, it is as easy as any other metal watch band.  In addition, the double clasp design has a much more secure feel when closed.

During all our testing, the clasp never opened unexpectedly or failed to stay closed once we snapped it shut.

The connectors at each end have a small button in the middle that you need to depress in order to fully engage the band into the watch.  Once installed, the band is extremely secure.

The connectors have also been designed with a 10 degree off-set.  This allows the band to better conform to your wrist and makes for an overall better fit.

JUUK Ligero Band for Apple Watch – Size Adjustment

Truth be told, when we first unboxed the JUUK Ligero Band for Apple Watch, we were surprised and disappointed that we didn’t find the usual screw type band adjustment tool we have seen with most other metal bands.  Not unexpectedly, the band was too big, and we wondered how we would remove a couple of links.

After a little research, we discovered that like the Ligero band itself, JUUK managed band adjustment different from anything we had seen before.

Tucked neatly along the edge of the foam that the band is packed in is a small metal bar.  If you’re not careful, you could accidently toss it out with the rest of the packaging.  The bar has three metal pins of different lengths.  To remove a link, you align the medium pin (pin #1) with the pin in the watch band and push the band down.  This releases the pin from the edge of the band.  You then move the band top to the longest pin and press down.  This fully releases the pin from the band, and you can remove it with your fingers.

With the link removed, you reassemble the band, inserting the pin into the hole.  Using the metal bar, you press the pin back into the band.  The shortest pin on the bar is used to recess the pin into the band. This may sound confusing so check out the video below that shows how this works.

Besides the unique design of the removal tool, JUUK makes the ends of the pins slightly concaved.  Because of that, the pin inside the band sits exactly over the pins on the removal tool with minimal slippage.  This not only make the removal easier but it prevents unintended scratching of the sides of the band.

Most of the other bands use pins in the band that are locked in place by having one end slightly larger than the other.  As a result, the pins can only be removed and inserted in one direction.  JUUK uses an inner sleeve that locks the pins into place within the links.  Because of this, the pins can be removed and inserted from either side of the band.  In all, we had to remove three links and using the JUUK removal tool was one of the easiest adjustments we have done.

We initially removed just two links and while that was a close fit, there was still a little too much room and the Apple Watch tended to twist on the wrist.  Removing a third link corrected that problem but now the band was slightly too tight and could get uncomfortable after a full day of wearing.  JUUK thought of this too.

While most of the links in the JUUK Ligero band are 8mm wide, the two links closest to the connectors are only 5mm wide.  By removing one of the 5mm links and reinstalling one of the 8mm links, the band was now the perfect size.  It was tight enough to not slip on the wrist, but loose enough so as not to pinch or feel tight.  We are not aware of any other metal link style bands for Apple watch that provide this level of detail.

Finally, while the band should fit most wrists, JUUK offers individual links if you have an extra-large wrist or need a replacement.

The Bottom Line

There is no shortage of third-party bands for the Apple Watch and whether the design is a copy of an actual Apple watch band, or not, many of the bands look the same.  The JUUK Ligero is unique in its design and construction and like many of their models, stands out in an otherwise crowded field of band styles.

The JUUK Ligero band for Apple Watch fits all series and size Apple Watch and comes in a variety of colors that match or compliment whatever Apple Watch you have.  All JUUK bands come with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty against defects.  The JUUK Ligero is available on Amazon.

While you’re there, check out some of the other unique designs from JUUK (jump to the page here).  You can also see there complete line on their web site at www.juukdesign.com.

What is your favorite style watch band?  Why not join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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