Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging

Whether you work from home or in an office, chances are a desk telephone is no longer occupying a space on your desk. With the increasing popularity of voice over IP (VOIP) or “soft phones”, more and more people have replaced the handset with some form of headphone.

While the desktop phone has been removed, you may be looking for a solution to store the headphones that replaced it. For that, we recommend the Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

Excellent build quality and finishNone
Supports fast charging 
Full length power cord 
Grand Pro Headphone Stand - Box

If you are wondering if this is something an Apple fan would love, you really need look no further than the packaging.

Like almost every product you would find in an Apple store, the Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging comes is a pure white box with a picture of the product and distinctive lettering at the top.

Grand Pro Headphone Stand - Unboxing

Inside the box you will find the Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging base, the support arm with the headphone cradle at the top, a 1 meter (3 feet) USB-C to USB-C cable a hardware package with a screw to attach the base to the support arm, an Allen wrench to tighten the screw and an instruction manual.

Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging – Specifications

The Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging is made from a variety of materials including polycarbonate and ABS plastics, silicone and zinc alloy. Overall it measures 9.6” x 4.6” x 5.6” (245mm x 1187mm x 144mm).

Grand Pro Headphone Stand - Base

The support arm and headphone cradle attach to the base using the includes screw and is tightened with the provided Allen wrench. We did find it a little difficult to fully seat the rod into the base as it is a very tight fit. That said, once we got it together, the support rod is rock solid. Once together, it almost feels like a single unit.

Grand Pro Headphone Stand - Set Up

The base has a rubberized pad on the bottom to make the unit non-slip. On the rear of the base is a USB-C port used to power the integrated wireless charger in the base. There is also a single LED on the front top of the base. A white LED indicates it is charging. A red LED is a warning of a charging malfunction.

All too often, the charging cables included with products are so short, they are hardly usable. We were pleasantly surprised to find the included USB-C cable was a full 3 feet (1 meter) long. We had no trouble plugging in the Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging to the USB hub on our desk, with plenty of cord to spare.

If you have a fairly recent Mac, you will certainly appreciate the USB-C plug on both ends of the cable. We think the time has come to expect USB-C to be the standard. Of course, if you have an older Mac, or dare we say a Windows PC, you may still need a USB-A connection. We would hope by now, you have a supply of USB-C to USB-A cables or adapters readily available. There is also an ample supply of USB-C to USB-A cables available at many retail and on-line stores,

Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging – Test Results

There isn’t a lot to test on a product like this, since it either works or it doesn’t.

Overall, we were very pleased with the Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging. It was extremely stable and we had no concern of it tipping over when we put a fairly heavy set of headphones on top.

Grand Pro Headphone Stand - with Headphones

The padding on the headphone cradle, acts as a cushion for the headphone band and because the support arm is slanted forward, there is no problem getting the headphones to  rest squarely on the holder.

The wireless charging worked flawlessly. Even with a protective case on our iPhone 13 Mini, the charging started immediately without any drop-outs or issues.

The integrated LED is unintrusive and for some, may be hard to see. We actually appreciate that since some users may use this charger at night and we sometimes find LED indicators to be unnecessarily bright which can be disturbing in a dark room.

The Bottom Line

It seems like the more technology we use, the more we replace old desktop equipment with newer ones. As a result, we are always looking for better ways to organize what we have without duplicating it.

If you already use some type of headphone at your desk and need a way to store them when not in use, the Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging is a perfect accessory for you.

The Benks Grand Pro Headphone Stand with Wireless Charging comes with a 12-month warranty and comes in your choice of white or black. It is available from Amazon.

If you need a headphone stand but already have the wireless charging you need, it is also available without the without the wireless charging function.

We would like to thank the folks at Benks for providing the Grand Pro Headphone Stand for our testing and review.

Do you use headphones at your desk? How do you store them when not being used? Why not join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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