COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds

Just as no two people see color the same, the same can be said for sound. The COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds have a little secret that helps make them the right choice for anyone.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

Excellent sound qualityHearing test functions a little confusing
COUMI EQ App allows for custom settings

COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds – Unboxing

The COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds comes nicely packaged in a white box that looks like it just came off the shelf of your nearest Apple store.

Coumi TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds - Unboxing

In the box is the COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds, inside their charging case with the medium rubber ear tips installed. There is also a bag with two more sets of ear tips (small and large), a Micro-USB to USB-A charging cable, a Quick Start Guide, a User manual and a Warranty Card.

The earbuds connect to the case by way of two small metal pins that rest against metal surfaces in each of the earbuds. Those surfaces are covered with a clear plastic strip which must be removed before you can charge the earbuds in the case. Each earbud also has a multi-touch surface you use to control the earbuds, audio and phone calls. There is also a single LED on each earbud and a built-in microphone.

The charging case also has a single white LED on the front of the case which flashes while the case is charging and turns solid once the charging is done.

COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds – Specifications

The earbuds measure 0.7” x 0.8” x 0.9” (18.5m x 20.5mm x 23.5mm) and the charging case measures, 2.2” x 1.1” x 1.7” (57mm x 28mm x 43mm). The earbuds weight just 0.3oz (9 g) and the charging case weighs 1.6oz (45g).

The earbuds will last about 6 hours on a full charge and with a fully charged case can provide up to 22 hours of listening. A full charge of the case with the earbuds inside takes between 1.5 and 2 hours.

The size and weight of the charging case makes it very easy to slip in a pocket or purse.

We found the fit of the earbuds to be very comfortable.

The COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds are IPX5 rated so you will have no trouble using them in the gym or outdoor activities that may cause you to sweat.

COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds – Initial Set-up and Operation

The COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds supports Bluetooth 5.0 and we had no trouble syncing the earbuds to our iPhone XS. After fully charging the earbuds and case, we opened the case and put the iPhone into Bluetooth pairing mode. Almost immediately, the earbuds were recognized. We accepted the new device and the pairing was complete.

The controls for the earbuds are straight-forward, and with a little practice, should become second nature.

FunctionLeft EarRight Ear
Play/PauseDouble TapDouble Tap
PreviousTriple Tap 
Next Triple Tap
Volume + Tap
Volume –Tap 
Answer CallDouble TapDouble Tap
Hang Up CallDouble TapDouble Tap
Reject CallPress 1-2 secondsPress 1-2 seconds
SiriPress 1-2 secondsPress 1-2 seconds

COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds – Test Results

Out of the box, we found the sound quality of the COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds to be excellent. There was ample bass without it being overpowering but still enough high end to make lyrics clear and understandable. If that is where our testing ended we would give the COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds high marks. But, they have more to offer.

On the first page of the User Manual is a bar code so you can download the COUMI EQ app from the App Store. This free app provides a 10-band equalizer that allows you to select from five preset listening styles, or customize the sound to your personal preferences.

Coumi EQ App

There is even a function that will perform a listening test and adjust the different frequencies to match your individual hearing. While not intended to be a medical hearing test, the process does resemble what you would experience in a audiologist’s hearing booth.

There is both an automatic and manual mode for the hearing test. While we did have a problem getting the automatic hearing test to work (we didn’t hear any tones), the manual test did provide some good feedback.

While many of the settings for the preset listening styles are subtle, you will be able to tell the differences between them, and for most people, we think one of the preset styles will suit your needs.

One of our testers is a hearing aid wearer and found the COUMI EQ app made it easy to adjust the frequencies to provide just the right mix of base and high end.

Using the COUMI EQ app made a big improvement to what we already considered a good listening experience.

The Bottom Line

There is certainly no shortage of wireless earbuds, and it can be overwhelming to try and choose the one that’s best for you.

While many Apple loyalists say that nothing can compare to Air Pods, the price leaves many people looking for anther choice. The COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds is definitely worth your consideration.

Their light weight and compact size makes them easy to carry and comfortable to wear. With up to 6-hours of play time on a full charge, and a total of 22-hours when used with the charging case, there is plenty of power for even the busiest of days.

We think the COUMI EQ app puts the COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds at the front of the pack. The ability to select from a variety of pre-set listening option make it easy to find the sound that fits you best, but if need be, you have the flexibility to create your own unique listening profile.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of the COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds is the price, which is a fraction of what you would pay for even the least expensive set of Air Pods.

The COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds comes with a 12-month warranty but can be extended to 30-months with an on-line registrations.

The Coumi TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds comes in white, black and pink and is available from Amazon.

We would like to thank the folks at COUMI for providing the COUMI TWS-817K Wireless Earbuds for our testing and review.

What are your favorite wireless earbuds? Do you think having the ability to tune earbuds to your specific listening type is an advantage? Why not join the conversation and leave a comment below?

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