Experience a safer night driving journey with Lanmodo Vast Pro night vision system

Lanmodo launched their 1080p colorful Vast Pro night vision system integrated with dash camera on Indiegogo, the project started with $209 early bird price which future retail price will be $599.

Lanmodo Vast Pro 1

Lanmodo Vast Pro is not only a night driving asisstant, but it can also be used effectively during inclement weather. It relies on high-precision sensor chip and intelligent software algorithm to receive all the light sources in the natural world, operational gain amplification processing optimization imaging, so that people can get a clear image from the display even if the light of driving environment is dim.

Key Features of Lanmodo Vast Pro:

  1.  1080P full-color image for both front and rear camera, provide a clear and bright image on the display

2. Built-in dash cam records real-time footage from front and rear camera both and save in its 128G card.

3. Offers 45-degree wide angle view and extends up to 300m, which is far beyond the reach of headlights, to give the driver heads up regarding the upcoming situation.

4. 24-hour night parking monitor, protects your vehicle all the time

5.The G-sensor will keep the collision footage saved and locked from being overwritten.

6. With an extra power supply, Lanmodo Vast Pro can also be as night observation for outdoor

The utility of the Lanmodo Vast Pro night vision camera not only provides you the reassurance that driving is going to be relatively safer but also eases the tension for you and your family. it is definitely one investment that you should make on your vehicle for overall comprehensive safety and riding comfortably. The best of all is that the early bird price on Indiegogo is $209, but the quantity is limited, once sold out, they will increase the price, so if this is what you are looking for, do not miss it.

About Lanmodo

Lanmodo is a brand engaged in designing and developing innovative and high-quality gadgets to improve people’s daily life. Since their first automatic car tent released, Lanmodo has been reported by over 600 media, and their video views got over 150M on Facebook and 5M+ on YouTube, solved people’s problem on car cares.

After doing research and survey, they had a strong desire to develop a safety gadget to solve the problem on night driving, that’s why the Vast Pro night vision system came.

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