How to Clean Your Apple Laptop

Keeping your Apple laptop clean isn’t just about making it look shiny and new. It can also help you avoid illness while reducing the likelihood of overheating and sticky keys, so it’s certainly worth the time and effort it takes to do it right.

But how, exactly, does one clean an Apple laptop?

The folks at have put together a nice infographic to show you how to clean your Apple laptop. The information, and the infographic with links is provided blow with their permission.

First, shut down and unplug your laptop before using short bursts of canned air to blow dust out of the keyboard, vents, and USB ports. Once your screen has cooled to room temperature, you can use a clean, dry, microfiber cloth to wipe it clean in side to side or up and down motions. Pour some rubbing alcohol on a separate microfiber cloth, ring it out, then use that to clean the rest of the exterior of your laptop, scrubbing as needed. Clean up your keyboard using the cloth, a cotton swab, and some canned air. And find more tips for properly cleaning your laptop in this helpful graphic!

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