MacDroid – A New Reliable App for File Transfer between Mac and Android

Electronic Team, Inc. has announced the release of MacDroid 1.0, a new addition to the company’s macOS software lineup. MacDroid is a helpful addition to those who own and work with Mac or MacBook computer and an Android phone. The two devices cannot natively have the data transferred between each other, hence there is a need for an interface that will simplify matters.

Macdroid Screen Shot

With MacDroid one can connect an Android phone or tablet to their Mac and transfer photographs, music, videos as well as entire folders between computer and device. An Android device has to be connected to the computer with a USB cable. No other additional software or hardware is required.

MacDroid Highlights at a Glance

  • Allows mounting internal and external Android storages
  • One can edit Android files on Mac without moving them to computer
  • Doesn’t need any additional plugins or extensions
  • Supports all Android and MTP devices

MacDroid offers two connection modes to its users – MTP and ADB. ADB mode is recommended by the developers of the app as it offers stability and efficient speed of data transfer. MTP connection is somewhat easier and more versatile. It actually allows connecting other devices, that might not be running Android OS, but as long as they support MTP connection, one can transfer files from them too. Such devices as MP3 players or cameras can connect in MTP mode.

System Requirements

  • Works on macOS 10.10 or later
  • Works with all Android and MTP devices

Availability and Pricing

MacDroid 1.0 is distributed in two versions: free and PRO. Both can be obtained from the developer’s website. The free MacDroid allows file transfer from Android to Mac. There is a possibility to try PRO version for 7 days for free. The PRO version allows file transfer from Android to Mac and from Mac to Android with the possibility to edit Android files on Mac without having to actually save them on computer. MacDroid PRO is sold as an annual subscription with auto-renewal and costs $19.99 (USD) per year. You can learn more about MacDroid and purchase it here.

About Electronic Team, Inc.

Electronic Team, Inc. is a technology development company that specializes in producing high-quality software applications working across all major platforms. They plan, analyze, design, implement, test, maintain and support their products in order to meet the highest expectations and demands of their customers.

All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2020 Electronic Team, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, OS X and macOS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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