Volterman Smart Wallet Makes Wallet Theft History – IMPORTANT UPDATE


This product review was first published on April 18, 2018.

If you look at the comments below, you will see that many of our readers have complained that they never received the products they paid for. In an effort to secure help for our readers, we reached out to the company but never received a response. As such, we must assume that this company is either out of business or is willingly defrauding the public.

Several have asked that we take down this post to prevent others from attempting to purchase this. Instead, we are reposting this article with this advisory, in the hopes that anyone still interested in VOLTERMAN Smart Wallet will see this warning.

We regret that our actions may have contributed to anyone making a purchase for a product that was never shipped. We will continue to update this article in the future should we receive additional information.

Indiegogo’s latest viral campaign collected the requested amount in a couple of hours. VOLTERMAN Smart Wallet is the epitome of market-leading innovation and technological advance. Whether it’s a moment of forgetfulness or an opportunistic pick pocket anywhere in the world, the loss of a wallet cannot be debilitating any more.

Volterman’s features are impressive. It has an embedded Power Bank, Distance Alarm System, Global GPS Tracking System, Worldwide WiFi Hotspot and even a Thief Detection Camera.

Volterman Smart Wallet

This innovative wallet will not only tackle one of the most common crimes in the world, it’ll protect against data theft, forgetting your wallet, charge your device, and put an end to data roaming sky-high charges.

“We’ve seen huge growth in the smart wallet market in recent years.” said Azat Tovmasyan, co-founder of Volterman, “But there are limitations with the functionality. Some offer a power bank or security alarms, but they only react at a distance of 20 meters, not more. Volterman is the only wallet that offers a global tracking service, power bank, portable WiFi, and other essential features — all wrapped up in a slim, light-weight and stylish design. It really is a market leader. That’s the reason it’s gained so much traction on Indiegogo so quickly — it addresses a need.”

The security features are impressive. Once in ‘Lost Mode’, the wallet will take a photo anyone who opens it, sending that image via email to its owner. The GPS tracker works worldwide, and is accurate in any part of the world, while in-built RFID protection secures against data reading and identity theft.

As ipressive as the security features are, the Volterman team have not developed them at the cost of usability or functionality. The wallet itself is slim and stylish, and looks much the same as its ‘low-tech’ premium ancestors. Features such as a built-in Power bank and Wifi hotspot make it a god send to busy professionals, tourists and students alike. It is also fully compatible with both iOS and Android.

Perhaps most surprisingly of all, price points are compatible with mainstream competitors — none of whom can compete with Volterman’s extensive list of features. Volterman comes with three types: Cardholder, Bifold and Travel, which have the same extensive functionality and differ only with the powerbank capacity (2,000; 2,600 and 5,000 mAH accordingly).

To fully appreciate everything the Volterman wallet can do, check out their video below.

It’s been two years in the making and it’s taken one hell of an entrepreneurial journey to get here but, for the team behind the newest Indiegogo phenomena called Volterman Smart wallet, things are just starting to heat up.

Delivery of the Volterman Smart Wallet is expected in May 2018.

In addition to the bi-fold Smart Wallet, there are other Volterman products being offered. For more details on all the Volterman products, check out the Volterman Indegogo campaign here.

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  • Alex says:

    It surely made wallet theft history. By not shipping to backers of this scam-paign i paid for the wallet on 2017. And excuses and more excuses and nothing received yet. Me and many more with this problem. Big fraud. Indiegogo. Big fraud volterman

    • Robie says:

      they made wallet theft history by stealing over 3 million dollars from other people’s wallets.. Azat Tovmasyan is a scammer and he deserves to go to jail and have his name smeared everywhere.

      NOTE: This comment was edited slightly from the original post as its contained language that may not be suitable for younger readers. The original meaning and intent of the post was not changed from that of the original poster.

      • David says:

        That reply, Priceless haha, very true thou.. but funny nonetheless

        • Robie says:

          I made my money back from volterman scam by uploading a video of me receiving the package after nearly four years, and throwing it into the garbage since nothing in the 365 package worked even once. But the ads got me 700 bucks which is almost twice more than what I spent on this crap, I hope you find some solace in the fact that Azat Tovmasyan has a black stamp online and all his future ventures under his name will be destined to fall before they even take off.. Volterman = disgusting thieves

  • Dorothy says:

    It is completely irresponsible of you to leave this article up. These people stole millions of dollars from their “backers” Check the Volterman Scam campaign Facebook group. It’s saddening to know that they are getting away scot free and Indigogo couldn’t care less.

    • Alex M says:

      Couldn’t have said it better. This so called company stole millions. And deceived a lot of people. And those few who did get the wallet have shown that its a badly designed product and with a lot of technical flaws. Indiegogo is a perfect platform for these scammers.

  • Giorgio says:

    Such a big scam….. invested more than 400 usd 🙁 after 3 years nothing yet…

  • Thank you all for your comments. We have reached out to the company and asked for a response to your complaints. We hope to have an update for you shortly.

    • Dorothy says:

      I’ve just celebrated the 3 year anniversary of placing my order.

      Any update yet??

    • Alex says:

      I hope you get a response from the company. It should be interesting to know what they come up with.

      • Dorothy says:

        Hi Alex this is the email they sent me yesterday. They hit a brick wall just like the rest of us.

        Happy New Year.

        Dear Dorothy:

        Thanks for contacting Apple Tech Talk. I am sorry to report that we never recived a response from the company. As such, we are publishing an update to our review, that will be on our site tomorrow morning warning about this company.

        I’m sorry we could not get you more information.



        David Schwartzer, Editor
        Apple Tech Talk
        (860) 573-2175

  • Liam says:

    This is a scam. Check the location they list on Indigogo (the US) and then check it out for yourself – they have nothing to do with the US. They even got EU grants (from our taxes) for development of their company in Armenia. Nothing wrong with the location in Armenia, so why lie about it?

    The comms from this company have been shameful for years. Unlike others, I did receive a wallet from them after a lot of trouble and lies from them- to say it’s dire is an understatement. Completely false advertising about the product itself and the company details.

  • robbie says:

    I received 365 package after nearly 3 and a half years just to have volterman spit in my face, 3 wallets + 1 wireless charger.. 0 wallets work 0 wallets charge . Wireless charger even doesn’t work at all.. our of the box I got a 500$ collection of big bulky products that nor function at all.. worst company ever.. they are scammers..STAY AWAY FROM VOLTERMAN IF YOU VALUE YOUR MONEY. THEY ARE THIEVES AND LIARS

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