WD My Book 3 TB USB 3.0 Hard Drive with Backup

There isn’t much to say about this unit other than, it just works. I am using this as a network attached drive to my Airport Extreme Base Station. I bought the more common version that is formatted for Windows rather than the Made for Mac version since the Windows version was on sale. Reformatting it to the Mac format is a 60 second process so it is worth saving the money.

WD has a long history of making solid products at a good price and this is no exception. The unit is quiet and works well. I’ve have had issues in the past with other drives going into sleep mode and not being able to “wake them up” when making a network call but this drives doesn’t seem to have that problem. Read/Write speeds are decent and the 3TB capacity leaves plenty of room to store photos music and anything else that I don’t want/ need on my laptop all the time.

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