Biggest Changes In iOS 12.1.1 You Need to Know Before Deciding To Update

On December 5, 2018, Apple released iOS 12.1.1.  This is the third update to the iOS 12 operating system since its initial release in September. In this new update, Apple focused mainly on improving performance and fixing bugs that existed, to provide more stable performance.  It also introduced some refinements and fine-tuning for applications that make the operating system run on the iPhone and iPad better.

New features include updates that are important to Apple’s FaceTime application, broader support for eSim and new emoticons.

Apple also introduced macOS Mojave 10.14.2, watchOS 5.1.2, tvOS 12.1.1, and HomePod 12.1.1 – but iOS 12.1.1 is the most noticeable. Here are the biggest changes that you need to know before deciding to install it on your iPhone, iPad.

Better Haptic Touch Support For iPhone XR

One of the limitations of the new iPhone XR is the lack of a touch screen that supports 3D Touch. Apple had to choose this because they equipped the iPhone XR with the new Liquid Retina display technology compared to previous generations of the iPhone. So, instead of offering 3D Touch, the iPhone XR is equipped with Haptic Touch. The iPhone XR will vibrate a bit when you activate the second feature of a button by pressing and holding it.

But Haptic Touch is limited to content that can interact on iOS 12. With the latest iOS 12.1.1 update, users are able to interact with this feature on more extensive content such as preview messages.

eSim Support

iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR are equipped with eSim technology. That means, besides the physical sim, Apple’s latest iPhone devices can support two sims – one physical, one electronic.

Capture Live Photo While Using Facetime

Recent update also allows users to take a Live Photo while using FaceTime. This feature only works for one-to-one calls and may be quite useful for many users. Now you can capture a short moving picture while talking to your friends and save it right in your photo gallery. Of course, the other user will also receive a warning that you are taking a Live Photo.

Improved Facetime User Interface

The FaceTime app also has an improved bottom navigation bar, which now provides quick access buttons for muting the call and flipping the camera. This is a much better interface than the FaceTime interface with the old ‘…’ button. And sliding up on the bottom bar also brings additional options for the person you are chatting with.

iOS 12.1.1 – Bug Fixes

iOS 12.1.1 also includes the following fixes:

  • Troubleshooting when Face ID is temporarily unavailable.
  • Resolves a problem that prevents voice mail from downloading images for some users.
  • Fixing a problem in Messages can prevent predictive text predictions from entering text on the keyboard.
  • Resolve an issue that may prevent iCloud Recording uploads.
  • Fix a problem where the time zone may not update automatically.
  • Real time messaging (RTT) when using Wi-Fi calls on the iPad and iPod touch.
  • Improved spelling reading and VoiceOver.
  • This release also adds features and fixes to HomePod.

 The Bottom Line

The iOS 12 represents Apple’s investment in system stability and performance and iOS 12.1.1 is no exception. This version fixes Face ID issues, time zones which are not up to date, voice memos which cannot be uploaded to iCloud, and some other errors that affect the experience and performance and is a solid update for all compatible iPhone and iPad models.

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