Effective Techniques to Boost Security on Your iOS Device

Be it an Android or iOS device, the task of securing the data and resources available in the gadget always requires a high-tech and exceptional solution. Apart from counting on the default security setting of the device, you need to bring adoption and change management consulting services into operations for technological advancements to incorporate additional data security and information protection to ensure the complete protection of every element lying there.


There are several reasons for iOS being the highly preferred platform across the globe. Some claim the Apple product to be more efficient, with reliable parental control, customer support, and hardware dependency, while others stick to the notion that iOS devices run more functionally with a user-friendly experience.

Whatever might be the reason, they too require a high-degree security service.

10 Effective Security Solutions for iOS Devices

Account Protection

The best way out for cybercriminals to get through your account on the iOS device is by hacking your credentials, IDs, and passwords. Use strong passwords to avoid this mishappening. Keep unique and a bit complicated credential that is not directly related to your open details like name, date of birth, geographical region, etc. Information protection consulting services always recommend keeping a jumbled password that is tough to be guessed.

Efficient Security Application

While taking advantage of the default security features of iOS, you too can also gain added protection by anti-theft applications like Find My iPhone. This kind of application can help you to track down the stolen or misplaced phone and end up being a powerful tool for recovering the devices.

Connect with Secured Network

Try to get connected with a secured and private network as much as possible. Using an insecure Wi-Fi network is an open invitation for cybercriminals and malicious attackers. Hence, to get rid of man-in-the-middle attacks and relentless data misuse, one must stick to a secured network recommended by data security services Providers.

Download from Legitimate App Store

With an avalanche of pop-ups and notifications appearing on the screen, there is a bright possibility of online data breaches from third-party stores. Thus, it is always suggested that one should get used to application download from the official store for iOS devices. Stay safe from malware and potential attackers by fetching the application from a legitimate app store.

Install Trustworthy Security Solution

The in-house security software solution reduces the risk of external attack to a great extent. Apple’s official validation, the security solution is robust, reliable, and completely trustworthy. Hence, it is widely recommended by Data security service providers to install an inbuilt security solution.

Enable two-step Verification

Two-step verification is always a top-notch security approach to protect your data and resources. It prevents your devices from unethical and unauthorized use. For iOS devices, you can also switch to 4 step verification security method.

The process to enable 2 step verification is:

“Manage your Apple ID” –> “Password and Security” –> “Two-Step Verification.”

Disable Siri over Screen Lock

By disabling the Siri on the lock screen, you cut down the possibility of data extraction from your iOS device.

Go to “Settings” –> “Passcode” (or “Touch ID and passcode”) –> “Allow access when locked” section –> “Siri: off” and “Settings” –> “General” –> “Siri” –> “Allow “Hey Siri”: off”.

Although Siri is a great personal assistant, it can unexpectedly disclose personal information while you are away from your device. Hence, it’s quite vital to turn off Siri completely.

Get Accustomed to VPN

A Virtual Private Network is an essential technology that upscales the system’s security level. Today global businesses are working on VPN suggested by information protection consulting services.

So, to enable the VPN, follow the following steps:

Go to “Settings” –> “General” –> “VPN” –> “Add VPN Configuration.”.

Turn Off Cookies

Cookies are the petty files that are generated by the websites and stay with your devices. It is possible to carry the information and data of your smartphones or devices that are not supposed to be shared. So, turning off the cookies is the biggest harmony with a security solution.

Go to “Settings” –> “Safari” –> “Privacy & Security” section –> “Do Not Track: on,” “Block Cookies: Always Block”; For third party browsers: see similar browser settings.

Turn Off Lock Screen Notification

Even the strongest password and credential would not be able to save the information if they appear directly on the screen. The information could be any confirmation code private, or financial data.

Go to “Settings” –> “Passcode” (or “Touch ID and passcode”) –> “Allow access when locked” section.

Choose Your Best Data Security Services Provider

When the global business is being taken over to a digital forum, it is the sole responsibility of business owners to choose their own customized security solution from the best data security service provider.

A Microsoft Partner available in the market is completely capable to get it done!

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Michael Donald

Author Bio Pic_Michael Donald

Michael Donald, a senior technical consultant at Digital transformation consulting services provider, Bitscape. He has unified experience in adding values to the existing technological architecture of various businesses. During his professional journey, he has tackled a wide range of challenges and has built the ability to work through challenging issues for any industry.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, who is solely responsible for its content.

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