Foxit Announces First All-in-One eSignature and PDF Editing Solution

Combination of Foxit eSign and PDF Editor Creates Seamless Workflow for Document Creation, Editing, Collaboration and eSignature Processes

Foxit,a leading provider of innovative PDF products and services, helping knowledge workers to increase their productivity and do more with documents, announced the availability of Foxit PDF Editor 11.2, with major upgrades across the solution, including the integration of Foxit eSign. The integration of best-in-class, easy-to-use eSignature capabilities with Foxit PDF Editor means that people can, for the first time, create, edit and sign legally binding documents without leaving their PDF editor.

Foxit eSign provides full, legally binding and secure eSign workflow and makes it easy to create and sign digital contracts, agreements and forms to expedite business in a digital world. With Foxit’s electronic signature service now available within Foxit’s flagship PDF Editor, today’s workers can quickly and conveniently use a complete set of PDF editing tools including, form creation, redaction, page editing, and collaboration before sending and signing documents. All this can be done without having to access any additional applications. 

Foxit PDF Editor 11.2 provides an all-in-one editing and signing platform with enhanced capabilities, including:

  • Ability to efficiently collaborate on document creation
  • Effectively review documents with team members, customers and clients
  • Self-sign various types of documents, including business contracts, agreements, approvals, timecards, etc.
  • Easily collect signatures from multiple contacts and manage the signature workflow 
  • Actively monitor the status of all documents and send reminders to collaborators

For a quick look at how easily Foxit PDF Editor users will be able to leverage all the benefits of eSign, please view these short how-to videos:

“Our focus has always been on creating solutions that give our users all the functionality they need while still making the digital document workflows as simple and user friendly as possible,” said Frank Kettenstock, CMO of Foxit. “For us, the integration of Foxit eSign into our flagship PDF product is a major milestone for the solution and a big win for our customers.”

Security and Trackability

With the launch of Foxit PDF Editor 11.2, signature transactions are more secure and trackable than ever. Users can now see the signature transaction within Foxit PDF Editor while the information is kept in the Foxit eSign cloud where the document is uploaded as an electronic, legally binding record.  This process leaves an audit trail that includes when the document was opened, when it was signed, its geolocation and its certificate of completion that can also be seen in the PDF Editor user interface. Combining the two solutions means there is no need to leave the PDF Editor and open any other applications for the transaction. After the transaction is complete, Foxit leverages Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to digitally seal the document. It provides proof that the electronic signatures are valid and the document hasn’t been altered in any way after the time of signing.

To learn more about Foxit PDF Editor 11.2, the please visit:

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