Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat

Back in April, we introduced you to the Harber London MacBook Pro sleeve, (read our review here). This high quality leather sleeve is the perfect companion for your Apple laptop when you’re on the go. But you can also show some love to your keyboard and mouse when back at your desk, thanks to the Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

Mcrofibre has a nice look and feelNone
Available is several sizes to meet your needs 

Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat – Unboxing

There’s an old saying, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. That can also be said for product packaging.

Over the years we have seen a wide variety of how companies present their products. At one end of the spectrum are those companies that pay little attention to their packaging and use little more than a plain brown carboard box with the name of the product printed on it. At the other end are companies that make their packaging part of their brand identity. Think of how Apple packages everything in a white box with compartments inside that neatly hold everything in a specific place.

The folks at Harber London seem to fall somewhere in the middle.

Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat - Unboxing

While their products sometimes ship in non-distinct carboard boxes or mailer, the minute you open the outer packaging, you know the contents are something special.

Like the MacBok Pro sleeve we reviewed, our Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat came nicely rolled up and wrapped in their distinctive black tissue paper.

Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat - Seal

Also like the sleeve, the paper was closed with a gold colored seal with the Harber London name on it.

We have used other desk mats in the past that either came in an unnecessarily large box, or was folded into a smaller box which left us to wrestle with it for days, to get it to lay flat on the desk.

We appreciate that Harber London takes the same care with a microfibre desk mat as they do with a laptop sleeve that costs significantly more. They are also establishing their brand by using a consistent packaging look.

Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat – Specification

As the name implies, this desk mat is made from a gray microfibre material and is very similar, if not the same material used to line their MackBook Pro sleeves.


The desk mat is paper thin and appears to be a single layer of material but still provides a nice cushion for the desktop. We like the fact that it is not laminated with some form of foam or padding. We have used other desk mats with multiple layers and found them to separate over a period of time.


Being a single layer, the top and bottom are identical except for  the Harber London logo embossed at the bottom.

The Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat is available in three sizes.

  • Medium – 19.6” x 11.8” (50cm x 30cm)
  • Large – 31.49” x 12.59” (80cm x 32cm)
  • Extra Large – 31.49” x 17.71” (80cm x 45cm)
Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat - On Desk

Our sample desk mat was the Large model and filled our desktop nicely while still laving plenty of bare desktop for other items.

It should also be noted that each Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat is handmade by expert craftsmen in Spain and the sizes listed are a close estimation.

Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat – Test Results

As you can imagine, there isn’t a lot to test for a desk mat. It’s as much about how it looks and feels and how well it accommodates whatever you intend to put on it.

In our case, we like it much better than the rubberized desk mat we used previously.

For one thing, the gray microfibre is very close in color to our Space Gray MacBook Pro, and looks like this would be the desk mat Apple would sell, or at least use in their stores displays.

While paper thin, the Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat provides ample cushioning, yet doesn’t slip around at all, unless you specifically intend to move it.

Mouse tracking was excellent with no issues of our Magic Mouse skipping or getting hung up on the material. In addition, since the mat is so thin, the keyboard remains solidly stationary, while typing.

The Bottom Line

There is no question that Harber London makes high quality products, and the Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat is no exception.

We think you will find it to be a nice addition to any desktop, whether in the home of office. Also, since it is so thin, if you need to use it on a surface that is not dedicated as your desktop, it is easily moved or rolled up for neat storage.

The choice of sizes makes sure there is one to meet your individual needs and the microfibre material should provide excellent service for a long time.

If microfibre does not suit your individual taste, Harber London also offers desk mats in Pure wool felt (available in gray or black), and rich leather in tan, black and blue.

You can check out all of the Harber London desk mats here, as well as al of their fine products at www.harberlondon.com.

You can also check out the Harber London store on Amazon, here.

We would like to thank the folks at Harber London for providing the Harber London Microfibre Desk Mat for our testing and review.

Do you use a desk mat? What’s your favorite material? Why not join the conversation and leave a comment below?

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