Mileseey Laser Distance Meter

For the most part, we tend to focus on products, services and technologies that focus on IT type issues, so reviewing a construction related product was a bit different for us.

When we first opened the box of the Mileseey Laser Distance Meter (Model # D5T), it looked almost looked like a toy. But after going through the User Manual and testing it out, we realized this is a serious piece of equipment that does its job well.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

Easy to useNo hard case provided
Wide variety of measurement options 
iPhone app to assist with measurements 

Mileseey Laser Distance Meter – Unboxing

To start with, the Mileseey Laser Distance Meter comes with everything you need. In the box is the laser measure, a soft carry pouch, a wrist strap, 2 AAA batteries, a quality testing card and a very detailed User Manual. There is also a card about downloading an app that works with the unit.

Mileseey D5T Laser Measure - Unboxing

The user manual is extremely complete and well written. You would be well served to take the time to review the manual before using the unit.

Once you review the manual, you will find the D5T very easy to use. The unit has a 2″ screen that is backlit for easy viewing in many lighting condition. The buttons are well laid out and easy to read. To use the unit, you turn it on, press the measure button to activate the laser, and then press the button again to take the measurement.

The unit gives you complete control of the measurements. You can set it to measure from the back of the unit (the default), (so you can rest is against a surface and account for the length of the unit), or from the front of the unit. You can select the measurement to be in feet, inches, feet and inches or meters. We noticed that when set in feet and inches, it even gives you fractions of an inch.

The unit also works with the free Smart Life app. The app is pretty straight forward and will take a little practice to get used to. Basically, it allows you to draw a room freehand, or use a photos, and draw lines that automatically fill with the dimension taken by the D5T.

The app and the laser measure connect through the iPhone Bluetooth and the connection was instant and automatic. We think with a little practice, this will be a great feature of the laser measure.

In addition to measuring straight lines, the D5T has the ability to calculate room area, volume and can even calculate the missing side of a triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem. Remember your high school geometry class? We’re not sure how often we’ll need that but it’s nice to know it is there and the manual does a good job in describing how to do it.

It’s nice that the manufacturer included a soft pouch to give some protection to the main unit but we would have preferred some form of hard case to provide more protection, especially for those users that will be taking this into the field.

Mileseey D5T Laser Measure - Controls

We like that the manufacturer included horizonal and vertical bubble levels integrated into the case. This helps ensure that the laser is straight so you get the most accurate measurements.

Mileseey Laser Distance Meter – Use Cases

In the early days of laser measuring devices, they were used almost exclusively in commercial settings. Contractors, insurance adjusters and sales representatives for things like painting, flooring and building renovations, used laser measuring devices to measure areas too large for a standard tape measure. Today, laser measuring devices, like the Mileseey Laser Distance Meter makes that technology much more affordable.

Now, homeowners can include this in their tool collection for use in and around the house. At the touch of a button, you can have the ability to take accurate measurements that can be transferred to your iPhone for future reference.

The Bottom Line

The Mileseey Laser Distance Meter is a high quality laser measure. With its large screen and easy controls it will be a great time saver for any measuring tasks you have. Admittedly, there is a bit of a learning curve to fully understand and use all of the feature this device offers but it is certainly worth taking the time to understand just how powerful this device is.

The Mileseey Laser Distance Meter, D5T is available from Amazon here.

You can also check out the wide range of Mileseey Laser Meters and other products on the Amazon Mileseey Store here.

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