Three Free Apps To Take The Stress Out Of Gift-Giving

23% of us count on social media to help us choose the right Christmas gift. Gift-giving is difficult: we do it to show the people who are important to us that we care, so we want to find something they’ll truly appreciate. Social media isn’t the only tool at our disposal though. Just as apps can help us navigate some of the most difficult times, they can also help us make sure we get just the right gift for the person we love this holiday season, and since Christmas is the most expensive time of year for many of us, you’ll be pleased to hear that plenty of the IOS-friendly gift apps are free.

Giftagram: A Boutique Gift Store 

Giftagram stocks a curated array of gifts from local businesses in North America, and allows you to have them delivered to the recipient in beautiful packaging. It’s a year-round gem, and will send you notifications for important events so you remember birthdays and anniversaries as well as Christmas. Giftagram delivers wines and spirits, books, homeware, and gadgets, as well as flowers and carefully curated gift boxes. It stands out above other gift-giving time savers because items are carefully chosen to be thoughtful, so even if you’re searching for a more symbolic gift to celebrate a significant anniversary, you can be sure you’re in good hands. Symbolism is particularly important when it comes to wedding anniversaries, so if you’re looking for something special made with a particular material, you’re sure to find inspiration.

You can learn more about Giftagram and find a link to download their app, here.

Cako: Edible And Personal

Waste is a growing concern for the modern gift giver, so more people are looking for things that can be enjoyed in the moment without contributing to unwanted clutter. This makes edible gifts an excellent choice, but they can sometimes seem impersonal. That’s where Cako comes in: the app allows you to print personal photos onto cupcakes, which they’ll then deliver to your loved one. You simply upload your image and choose two cupcake flavors, and Cako will use edible ink to print your picture onto fondant icing. Cake flavors include red velvet, chocolate and salted caramel, so you can pick your loved one’s favorite before personalizing it with an image.

Check out all the “sweet” deals  here or download the app from the App store.

Giftster: A Team Effort

Giftster is an app you can enjoy with your family and friends, and allows everyone to add items they’d really like to receive. This is a great choice for Secret Santa, but it can be used all year round to make sure that birthdays and commemorative occasions are marked with gifts your loved ones will truly enjoy. The app allows you to add gifts from any store and add specifics, like clothing sizes or favorite colors. Family members can mark items as ‘purchased’ if they buy something, ensuring that no one gets the same gift twice. Giftster is great for making sure everyone gets something they really want, but you can keep the element of surprise by not looking at your own list once you’ve made it, so you still won’t know what you’re unwrapping.

You can check out all the details and download the app here.

Choose Wisely

A carefully chosen app can help take the pain out of deciding what gifts to buy, but it’s still important to give the task some careful thought. Before downloading an app, check its reviews, and think carefully about the kind of present you want to give. Look out for apps that allow you to personalize your presents, and if you’re thinking of food gifts from apps like Cako, make sure you consider food intolerances and allergies in the recipients before you buy.

Gift-giving is difficult, and it’s the time of year that we do a lot of it. Think carefully about the kind of gift you want to give, and search for the right app for the job.

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Jacqueline Cowell

Working as a motoring writer gave Jacqueline Cowell the chance to put her past experience as a mechanic to good use, once she became a mother and decided to stay at home with her two young children. She now puts together pieces for a range of different motoring websites, but in her free time restores classic vehicles with her husband. She is also a regular contributor to Apple Tech Talk.

This article is a repost which was originally posted on December 18,2019 and will no longer appear under that date.

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