Back in November 2016, we reported that Apple would no longer develop it Airport Wireless Router Line (read our report here), but would continue to sell those products in the Apple Retail Stores and on the Apple web site.
Apple last updated the Airport Express in 2012, while the larger Airport Extreme and Time Capsule products were last updated in 2013.
Apple has now announced that it has officially discontinuing the entire Airport Wireless Router Line, although sales of the product will continue while supplies last.
Apple has already started selling the Linksys VELOP Mesh router system (read our review here), on and in Apple retail stores, but there are certainly many other options available. For additional router suggestions, check out some of our other router reviews here.
Disclosure: Apple Tech Talk participates in various affiliate marketing programs and may receive compensation if you purchase a product through one of our links, and/or in the form of product donations from the companies whose products we review . Unless otherwise specifically stated, Apple Tech Talk does not receive any other compensation for its reviews. The opinions expressed are based solely on our independent testing, are our own and are not shared with anyone prior to release on our site.
For those of you who need to decide what router will work best with your Apple products, Apple has prepared a support document called, “Choosing a Wi-Fi router to use with Apple devices”, with some suggestions and you can find it here.
Given the official end of the Airport router product line, Apple Tech Talk will remove the router options from the Apple Tech Talk Marketplace.
What is your reaction to this announcement? Have you been using an Airport router for your wireless service? If so, will you continue to use it or will this make you upgrade you router now? Why not joiun the conversation and add your comments below.
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