Illusion Photograph iPhone Cases

Last month,  Beatrice Pitocco, shared her thoughts on “Reasons Why a Biodegradable Phone Case Is a Good Idea in 2022” (read her article here). As indicated in that article, Beatrice is a sales and marketing professional, and founder of Her passion for photography, philanthropy and design culminated in the launch of, which sells unique phone cases, and colorful phone cases that depict and showcase her PhotoArt.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

Excellent fit and finish 
Unique designs 

We were intrigued by the concept of a bio degradable iPhone case. Unfortunately only cases for some of the newer iPhone models fall into this category. We are still using an older iPhone Xs and Illusion Photography doesn’t have a biodegradable case for that model.  Even so, the case designs offered by Illusion Photography are some of the most unique designs we have seen, so we still wanted to check them out for ourselves.

Illusion Photograph iPhone Case – Unboxing

While the actual iPhone case we received may not have been biodegradable, the minimalist packaging it was shipped in makes it clear this is a company that is concerned about the environment.

Illusion Photograph Packaging

There were no plastic inserts holding the case, and no cardboard boxes that are usually three times the thickness of the actual case. Our ”Have a Heart” case was in a lightweight semi-see-through pouch. The pouch not only carries the usual recycle symbol we are used to seeing here in the U.S., but also carries the German “Grüner Punkt” symbol which is an indication that this company is committed to the cost of recovery and recycling of their product’s waste. Considering that Illusion Photograph is not part of the European Union, this is an impressive statement by them.

Illusion Photograph – Have a Heart Case

As soon as we took the case out of the pouch, we could tell it was different from most of the other cases we have reviewed.

Have a Heart iPhone Xs Case

The case itself is made from a hardened polycarbonate. Anyone who wears eye glasses knows that polycarbonate is a very light-weight material but is extremely hard. While the case was extremely slim, it did not twist or flex as we have seem in other cases. It also has an inner rubber liner which not only protects the phone’s rear surface but adds an extra layer of protection.

The unique design on the case is covered with a high gloss finish that is intended to not only protect, but enrich the look of the printed design.

The overall fit of the case is excellent. We had no issue sliding our iPhone into it. Once fully installed, it fit well on all sides, with no gaps or loose edges.

This style of case has cut-outs for the power and volume controls, rather than covering them over. As a general rule, with any case of this style, it can be a little difficult to get your finger or nail into the cut-outs to activate the button. This case is no exception. We don’t consider that a negative since this is a fairly common iPhone case design. Rather, we are pointing it out just as information to any potential buyers.

On the other hand, the cut-out at the bottom of the case has ample room to connect a Lightning connector. We used both the Apple OEM Lightning cable as well as a third party cable with a slightly bigger connector enclosure. Both worked equally well and had no problem charging the iPhone with the case on.

While some cases are too think to use on a wireless charger, we tried the Illusion Photograph case on several wireless chargers and it performed well on all of them.

We have been using the Illusion Photograph Have a Heart case for several weeks. While not intentional, the phone has experienced its fair share of drops, bumps being put in and out of pockets and purses. In spite of what may be considered “hard use”, the case still looks good as new, and the iPhone is no worse for wear.

These cases come in a variety of styles. Each one is unique and will be a conversation piece, and are available for a wide range of iPhone models.

Illusion Photograph – Biodegradable Phone Cases

For those of you that want to add social responsibility to  you iPhone cases, you need to check out the latest Illusion Photograph Biodegradable Phone Cases.

Have a Heart iPhone Case

Although they look almost identical to the polycarbonate versions on the outside, they are very different on the inside.

These cases are made from a Polylactic acid, (PLA) Polymer. PLA is a plastic substitute made from fermented plant starch (usually corn) and is quickly becoming a popular alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. The PLA is blended with a bamboo binder. Together, they form a tough and durable material but is completely biodegradable in as little as 160 days.

These cases have the same high quality fit and finish as the polycarbonate versions but add the satisfaction of knowing that when you are eventually done using the case, you are not contributing to the waste stream.

Illusion Photograph – One More Thing

In addition to selling socially conscious phone cases, Illusion Photograph has the Every Case Donates program. For every phone case purchased, Illusion Photograph donates $5.00 to support children’s charities.

Check out this YouTube video to hear more about some of the great work they do.

The Bottom Line

The Illusion Photograph iPhone cases are special and you won’t find their designs anywhere else.

If the cases from Illusion Photograph where just unique designs that fit your iPhone well, it would be reason enough to buy them.

If the cases from Illusion Photograph just provided great protection for you iPhone, it would be reason enough to buy them.

If the cases from Illusion Photograph just offered cases that were environmentally friendly, it would be reason enough to buy them.

And, if the cases from Illusion Photograph just helped children’s charities with their $5.00 donation for each case sold, it would be reason enough to buy them.

Put all of those together, and we can’t think of a better reason or a better case to consider for your iPhone.

You can see the complete collection of styles and designs for almost any model of iPhone, new or old at their web site

Illusion Photograph offers free shipping with a purchase of $70.00 or more. And for a limited time, you can get 15% off your order using the code 15OFF.

We would like to thank the folks at Illusion Photograph for providing a Have a Heart iPhone case for our testing and review.

What do you think about biodegradable iPhone cases? Is this something you would use? Why not join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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