Harber London AirTag Holders

If you are a regular visitor to Apple Tech Talk, you have already seen our review of the Harber London MacBook Pro leather sleeve (read our review here), and the Harber London Microfiber Desk Mat (read our review here). The folks at Harber London are back again, this time with some beautiful holders for Apple AitTags.

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Apple Tech Talk Scorecard

High Quality LeatherWeak Stitching
Two styles to fit how you carry your AirTag 

Harber London AirTag Holders – Unboxing

Harber London AirTag Holders - Outer Package

The Harber London AirTag Holders arrived in the now familiar black cardboard envelop which is opened by pulling the zip tab on the front.

Harber London AirTag Holders - Package Contents

Inside is the AirTag wrapped in the also familiar black paper with the gold Harber London seal, as well as a thank you postcard. Unwrapping the black paper reveals the Harber London AirTag Holder.

Harber London AirTag Holders – Styles

Harber London AirTag Holders - Styles

Harber London has two versions of their Apple AirTag Holders and sent us one of each to test. While different in overall style, they both have the same high quality leather integrated into the actual AirTag holder body.

Harber London AirTag Holders – Clip-On Style

Harber London AirTag Holders - Clip Style

First up is what we refer to as the clip-on style. The square leather holder is fastened to a spring clip which incorporates a snap to securely close the AirTag holder. It measures 2.33” x 1.6” (6cm x 4.3cm).

This is a great design for anyone who wants to attach their AirTag to a belt loop, key ring or anything else that accommodates a clip style attachment.

The front of the holder is embossed with the Harber London name and insignia, and the snap closure ensures a secure fit for the AirTag.

Harber London AirTag Holder - Stitch Failure

We were disappointed with the stitching across the bottom of the holder. In our case, we placed the AirTag into the holder and attached the clip to our key ring. At the end of the day, we hung our key ring on a hook, as we normally do. When we returned in the morning, we found that a stiche on one side of the holder had torn free, causing one side of the holder to spread open.

At first we thought that we may have put the AirTag in upside down, but the Harber London web site references the cut-out on the back side of the body as a thumb hole to make it easy to remove the AirTag from the holder.

Fortunately, even with a broken stitch, the AirTag remains firmly in place and we are stil able to use the holder as intended.

On the other hand, we really liked the clip on this style. Compared to some other brands of AirTag holders we have used, which use a carabiner, we found this to be one of the most secure clips we have used. It opens easily to allow you to attach it to a belt lop or key ring with one hand, yet closes securely once you put it where you want it.

Harber London AirTag Holders – Tie-On Style

Harber London AirTag Holders - Tie Style

The tie-on style holder is great for anyone that wants to attach their AirTag to a purse, backpack, briefcase, etc.

Harber London AirTag Holders - Tie Style Close-up

Like the clip on style, this Harber London AirTag Holder is made of the same high quality leather and has the Harber London insignia embossed on the front. The holder body measures 1.6” (4.3cm), and the gray cotton rope measures 8.2” (21cm).

The rope attaches to the body through the leather loop integrated into the top of the body and there is a leather slide on the rope to ensure a tight fit.

We appreciate that Harber London allowed for a way to insert the AirTag into the body without the need to untie the rope. This makes it very easy to use and the 8” length makes it easy to loop the rope onto whatever you need.

Harber London AirTag Holders – Test Results

Like many of the accessories made by Harber London, it’s not really about whether it works or not. Instead it’s about the value you get from it.

Apple fans tend to understand that there is value, not only in what something does, but in how it looks. The folks at Harber London understand that, which is why they make items that not only work well, but look good too.

We love the fact that you can match the look of your various Harber London products from the sleeve you use to carry your laptop or iPhone, to your messenger bag or backpack, and even the strap for your Apple Watch. And now you can add a holder for your AirTags. They all use the same high quality leather and design.

The Bottom Line

Some people may say that buying an AirTag holder that is more than twice the cost of the AirTag itself is foolish. We disagree. The Harber London products are hand made in Spain with some of the finest leather you can buy, and they are a high quality product.

For anyone who is going to attach their AirTag to an expensive bag or display it on their belt or jacket, a cheap plastic holder may not be the look you want.

While we were disappointed that some of the stiches tore in the clip-on style of AirTag holder, we are happy that it did not impact our ability to use the holder or compromise the security of the AirTag itself. That said, Harber London may want to consider reinforcing the bottom stitching in that area.

To learn more about the Harber London AirTag Holders or to order your ow, you can find them on the Harber London web site here.

We would like to thank the folks at Harber London for providing the Harber London irTag Holders for our testing and review.

What do you use to hold and carry your AirTag? Why not join the conversation and leave a comment below?

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