Synology Hyper Backup

As we recently reported, we have upgraded our primary server to the Synology DS218 (read our review here). While some might say we should be using a larger or more powerful model, we intentionally wanted to see what we could do with a moderately priced entry level NAS, and so far, we have not been disappointed.

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If you are a regular follower of Apple Tech Talk, you also know that we are big believers in backing up your data and we subscribe to the 3-2-1 Backup model that is widely considered the backup standard, (read our latest 3-2-1 Backup article here).

Like most Synology NAS models, we are using the Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) which writes our data to both of the internal drives in the NAS. But RAID is not a backup and should not be your only means of data protection.

Fortunately, Synology has you covered with their Hyper Backup application.  This is one of the many free applications provided by Synology and we use it to create a 3-2-1 Backup plan for our DS218.

Below is our latest “How To” video that shows you how Hyper Backup works and just some of the many options you have for protecting your data.

Hyper Backup is just one of the many applications that are available with a Synology NAS and just one example why we continue to say that Synology provides the most comprehensive but user friendly NAS platform on the market.

There is so much more to share with you so stayed tuned for more informative videos.

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